We can not ship dogs in away shape or form now, even if we wanted too.

The Federal government has decide on 9/10/13 that you as a buyer are not knowledgeable enough to pick a good breeder and have a pup shipped to you.
they feel that you MUST see your puppy before taking custody of it. or the breeder must be USDA inspected (or have less then 5 females). sounds good doesn't it?? There is a hitch though,in order to be a USDA breeder you have to follow the USDA's dog breeders' regulations.
here is one of them

Sec. 3.2 Indoor housing facilities
(d) Interior surfaces. The floors and walls of indoor housing facilities, and any other surfaces in contact with the animals, must be impervious to moisture. The ceilings of indoor housing facilities must be impervious to moisture or be replaceable

there goes living/raised in home. unless the breeders home is water proof (and can be power/steamed every two weeks) there goes  carpet, dry wall, sleeping on the bed or couch, paneling on your wall, wooden doggy bed, doors, window seals... and how many homes do you know of has that has impervious to moisture ceilings?

So how can a breeder comply with USDA  so they can ship you a puppy, you ask?
by raising puppies outside the home in a USDA regulation approved building. Just like commercial operations.  just like the USDA inspected  puppy houses that  supply pet stores. so now, if you don't like the way pet store puppies (and the parents) are raised then you will not like the way USDA puppies are raised. since both are the SAME regulations.

the breeder can house less then 5 females on the property. ok good, sounds good doesn't it?
having only a few females (4). Makes it impossible to improve the breed. Since you will not be allow to grow them up to evaluate or health test them (@2 years of age) before having to make a choice on whom to keep or whom to pet  out. reducing a breed's gene pool which in many breeds are very small to start with and health tested ones even smaller.
plus this number limit is on breed able females on the property  example 2 female dogs, 1 female chinchilla, 1 female hedgehog or a female barn cat the you can't catch. SO IF you want to keep that nice female pup then you will have to place one of your other females or raise your pups USDA In order to ship your pup to a loving home. EVEN if it is to a friend you have known for years! Even if you are not a breeder but have 5 females at your home, no matter if they are not yours and want to ship. yes even once can get you a 10k$ fine.

 a breeder can do ALL sales/adoptions face to face
no shipping (video,skipe, picture don't count as face to face).

if you must and have $$ to spare you can fly out and get your pup or fly the breeder and pup to you.
what it comes down to is that the USDA doesn't think you can pick right. and that pet store pups are raised right.